Your Personal Playbook to Pay Less Tax
What are you missing out on by not having your own playbook to pay less tax? People in the greater Seattle area associate playbooks with the Seattle Seahawks or their local school teams, but you can also feel like a champ by setting yourself up to pay less tax. A playbook is a collection of strategies and tactics. Sports teams and businesses alike use playbooks to achieve intentional outcomes.
As a business owner and real estate investor, you have many strategies available for you to pay less tax. The specific strategies you choose to implement will be dependent on your specific goals, timelines and priorities. Using a comprehensive approach to tax planning, you should consider tax-saving strategies applicable to your:
· Household makeup and family support network
· Employment and employer provided benefits
· Business activities that you control or passively participate
· Investment activities, including portfolio and real estate investments
· Succession and estate planning objectives
· Significant transactions and asset sales
You can increase your confidence that you are not overpaying your taxes by following the strategies within your personal tax plan. The tax plans we prepare include tax-saving strategy overviews written in layman’s terms, authoritative citations to IRS guidance, court cases and regulations that support the use of each strategy, references to implementation support and additional helpful information about the United States tax system.
When you are ready to stop winging it and develop your own playbook to pay less tax, consider taking a comprehensive approach with the topics identified above and schedule your tax analysis appointment with us.